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June 1, 2024 - May 1, 2025
Jaqueline Newlove's avatar

Jaqueline Newlove



  • 0 TODAY
  • 159 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Jaqueline's actions

Waterwise Home

5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.


Waterwise Home

Conserve Toilet Water

I will save up to 12 gallons (45 L) of water a day by flushing only when necessary.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jaqueline Newlove's avatar
    Jaqueline Newlove 10/03/2021 6:02 PM
    I don't seem to remember to do this unless I get a reminder email.  I am, however, keeping up with my commitments.  I am only flushing the toilet after pooping and occasionally when I cant' stand the smell.  The pee does get quite smelly.  Five minute showers are easy.
    Waterwise Home 5-Minute Showers
    Five-minute showers are an impressive step toward reducing your water footprint. What is the next step you can take?

    Jaqueline Newlove's avatar
    Jaqueline Newlove 5/07/2021 10:52 AM
    I have already placed a bucket in the shower to catch water.  A gray water system in the tub would be great.  We are thinking about it.  
    Waterwise Home Conserve Toilet Water
    What would a sustainable water future in your region look like? What needs to change?

    Jaqueline Newlove's avatar
    Jaqueline Newlove 5/07/2021 10:51 AM
    No lawns, only native trees, no high water-use plants or shrubs, incentives to install gray water systems and water cachement systems.

  • Jaqueline Newlove's avatar
    Jaqueline Newlove 4/25/2021 9:22 PM
    We recently started a compost pile.  I read that urine helps compost develop.  We have ordered a portable toilet (which we need for a camper anyway) and will start saving our pee in it.  That way we will flush less and help our compost.

  • Jaqueline Newlove's avatar
    Jaqueline Newlove 4/21/2021 12:32 PM
    Yesterday my partner and I decided to throw toilet paper in the trash and flush only when necessary.  A bit smelly, but doable.